Research And Survey

Research and Survey

The dynamic and fast-changing market trends, economy, information and society issues require a constant update of data. Latest fact-based information on the trends and dynamics is essential for a quick and accurate decision-making by the government, private corporation CEOs and brand or product developers.

Dreya Communications realizes the importance of comprehensive research and survey to produce valid and accurate data, which is the foundation of innovation and good decision.

DreyaComm’s research and survey team specializes on helping clients attend to their most important and delicate asset; their reputation. With a nation-wide scope and scale, our research and survey can help you understand how strong your reputational currency is, what shapes its value, how best to reinforce it and how you can drive it to support your specific business strategies.

We design our approach based on the understanding that research and survey need to be the provider of clear and practical advice that feeds directly into the stakeholder and communications management process.

We use an accurate and proven survey method, conducted by a team of competent surveyors and analysts. Hence a number of national media – printed, electronic and digital – have depended on the accuracy of our results as a reference.

Dreya Communications is collaborating with KedaiKOPI Survey Institution to answer the challenge of supplying accurate data for an effective strategic decision making. Some of the successfully conducted surveys including commercial researches on Opera Mini users’ satisfaction and Amway Indonesia’s Media of Communications.

Updated by @dreyacomm_pr

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